City has impressive national recognition for its accomplishments in landing important economic-development projects such as First Solar, Able Engineering and AzLabs
By Gary Nelson
The Arizona Republic

Some Valley cities go through city managers like Imelda Marcos went through shoes.
Scottsdale, for example, has had three in the past four years. That doesn’t give a guy time to sharpen his pencils before he’s bouncing down the road.
During that span — in fact, for the past 61/2 years — Mesa has had one man in that job. And after his last performance review, it appears Chris Brady can stay as long as he wants to.
The City Council held its annual evaluation for Brady in mid-August in executive session, which is allowed by state law.
Also in keeping with state law, council members cannot discuss, even in general terms, what was said behind closed doors.
The bottom line, however, may speak for itself.