Exclusive for RLG TwitterZona: Best Tweets of Week by Arizona influencers. Tweet by tweet, week by week. This Week’s Tweets include the Flake and Carmona Debate Tweets and Much Ado about Felix. Top tweets by Jay Feely, Jeff Flake, Barrett Marson, Meghan McCain, David Schapira, Mayor Stanton, Keith Yaskin and Marie Saavedra

By Mike Saucier (@MikeTheSauce)


It’s the heart of October and that means election season is reaching a boiling point with endorsements being doled out and debates scrutinized. There is also football drama and, not seasonally related, collective reaction to a man hurtling toward New Mexico from the stratosphere.

The second presidential debate saw a 30 percent decline in Twitter activity, according to the New York Times, but the tweets didn’t seem to slow down among Arizonans on Twitter. Arizona was front and center during an exchange between President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney about immigration.

But first, in a clash closer to home, Court Rich (@Court_Rich), partner of the Rose Law Group, tweeted the Jeff FlakeRich Carmona debate. Aside from Carmona saying he liked Flake’s hair and Flake joking that he liked Carmona’s tie, that was about it in terms of goodwill exchanges.

Court Rich tweeted:

“Most interesting exchange could have been @CarmonaForAZ pulling out list of hearings he alleges @JeffFlake missed while in congress.”

“Debate between @JeffFlake and @CarmonaForAZ was intense and heated. Made Biden look low key at times. #AZSenateDebate

“Final take on #AZSenateDebate: these guys don’t like each other and it is not just confined to their commercials.”

Now to the presidential debate:

Fox 10 reporter, Kristen Keogh (@Keogh), reacting to the challenge faced by moderator Candy Crowley:

“I hope you all see what female reporters deal w/. We fight to give members of this community a voice and many reduce our value to appearance”

Gil Shuga (@GilShuga) of Tempe:  “I love watching post debate commentary on both FOX and MSNBC. It’s like I missed two whole other debates!”

Jay Feely (@jayfeely) watched the debate later on tape and was chided for doing so (after his missed 38-yarder earlier in the week), and reacted:

“I should be practicing FG at 10:45PM?? RT @ColettoV @jayfeely you should be practicing your field goals! How can you miss a 38 yarder”

Now for the endorsements.

Jeff Flake (@FlakeforSenate) got the nod from the Republic. And who wouldn’t tweet that? Flake:

“Grateful today to receive the endorsement of The AZ Republic. http://bit.ly/QZ7i3t #azsen

Shawnna L.M. Bolick (@slmbolick) offered kudos: “Congrats to @FlakeforSenate who was endorsed by #TheArizonaRepublic This should help sway Independents still deciding. #azright #AZSen #tcot

And Jonathan Paton (@JonathanPaton), in a race for Congress against Ann Kirkpatrick in AZ-1 tweeted: “Proud to receive endorsement of AZ Daily Star in #AZ01! I will make the tough choices to tackle debt and spending http://azstarnet.com/news/opinion/editorial/paton-is-right-pick-to-tackle-budget-debt/article_aff55143-e9a9-5557-ba10-8f042503b4f8.html …

Reactions of awe swamped Twitter feeds across AZ on Sunday when Felix Baumgartner jumped from the heavens and landed on his feet in New Mexico.

Ahead of the jump, this tweet reflected what many were thinking…

Kristen Keogh (@KristenKeogh) tweeted: “I wonder if Felix is having second thoughts #spacejump #RedBullStratos

And post-jump reaction was…out of this world.

Vice Mayor of Chandler Jeff Weninger (@JeffWeninger) tweeted: “Step aside Evil Kneivel RT @digijustin: This is so freaking cool. #livejump http://win.gs/QPw1rf

PR guru Barrett Marson (@barrettmarson): “@JRFox10 @HansFox10 I lost my stomach just looking at him stand on the edge of the capsule. #spacejjump

Senior news producer at 3TV Ruben Hidalgo (@RubenAHidalgo), referring to the Most Interesting Man in the World: “#Baumgartner just put the Dos Equis guy to shame with that jump. #mostinterestingmanintheworld #spacejump

Scott Pasmore of 3TV (@Scott3TV): “That drop from space today was one of the most incredible things I’ve seen. We can talk to him 28 miles up but my cell drops on the 101?”

And Meghan McCain (@McCainBlogette) to her 200,000+ followers: “Felix Baumgartner jumping from space @RedBullStratos is one of the coolest, craziest things I’ve ever seen. Can he go to Mars next?”

Bill Konopnicki, a Safford businessman who represented eastern Arizona in the state Legislature for eight years, passed away this week and his death was widely mourned on Twitter.

Daniel Hernandez Jr. (@djblp), governing board member for Sunnyside Unified School district in Tucson, tweeted: “Sad to hear of the loss of Bill Konopnicki. A great loss to Arizona. A great advocate, a great legislator but more importantly a great man.”

Senate Democratic Leader David Schapira (@dschapira) tweeted his appreciation: “Bill Konopnicki was a mentor early in my legislative career. He taught me that good ideas should trump ideology. Rest in peace, my friend.”

Ryan Smith (Ryansmithaz), who runs political campaigns: “A very good man and great legislator RT @KirkAdams: @BillKonopnicki is a friend and a man with a big heart. I will miss you bill. RIP.”

Some local influencers weighed in on the death of former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter.

Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton (@MayorStanton) : “RIP Senator Arlen Specter. Your life in public service reminds us that bipartisan compromise is no weakness.”

Former Capitol Timesman and now B&B Media founder Bill Bertolino (@BillBertolino) highlighted Ann Coulter’s vicious tweet: “When partisanship is a blood sport:@AnnCoulter tweets “Arlen Specter just switched to the Dead Party” #sick

And State Rep. Jack W. Harper (@HarperForAZ): “Always remember the dead by what you believe was their best moment in life. Arlen Specter saved the #JusticeThomas nomination from a lie.”

This week’s business plugs:

Cronkite School grad student AJ Vicens (@AJVicens): Highly recommend the Arizona Inn in Tucson. Had a great time (with @megrherbert). @ Arizona Inn http://instagr.am/p/QxgZR0S6dg/

NBC 12 News reporter/anchor Tram Mai (tram_mai) visited Queen Creek Olive Mill (where she ran into Rose Law Group’s Jordan Rose and they henceforth lunched together). The Olive Mill is “a boutique olive farm that produces high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil.”

Mai tweeted: “Wonderful afternoon & delicious lunch @QCOliveMill – beautiful setting & loved everything! Reminds me a bit of Napa! pic.twitter.com/NwBeNLRJ

The cardiac Cards were at it again, taking fans on a roller coaster ride that saw kicker and prolific tweeter Jay Feely drill a 61-yard field goal to tie it, only to miss a 38-yard potential game winner.

Feely (@jayfeely) summed up the hero-to-zero fallout: “Gut wrenching loss. Couldn’t sleep at all last night. Give #92 credit for getting a hand on the ball & deflecting it. Back to work today”

This week’s Tweet of the Week comes from Feely, who tweeted an amazingly apt fortune cookie message: “My fortune tonight http://twitpic.com/b4knpv

From the random tweets file

Radio 96.9’s Mathew Blades (@mathewblades) with a sensible thought: “I agree with the thought of making PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS a National Holiday!”

Keith Yaskin (@keithyaskin) on good PR and a good experience he had at Discount Tire in Scottsdale: “Public relations: @DiscountTire employees open doors for customers and offer them water. In business, the little things matter.”

Finally, the ASU-Oregon was eagerly anticipated and then quickly mourned, as these tweets show.

From ASU State Press beat writer William Boor (@wboor): “In four years here I have not seen an atmosphere close to the one outside Sun Devil Stadium right now”

And from Marie Saavedra (MSaavedra3TV) of 3 TV: “Ducks up 43-7 at start of the 3rd. A lot of unhappy #ASU fans heading home…or to Mill. #drownyoursorrows

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