Saying that Yavapai County’s newly completed Comprehensive Plan is a road to the New World Order, two Camp Verde men have filed paperwork to put it to a public vote, The Daily Courier reports.
Mandated by the Legislature and updated regularly, the plan was approved by the board of supervisors, and speaks to the way land should be used in the county.
The Committee to Repeal the Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan wants the entire document scrapped and has filed paperwork to have the plan taken to a vote of the people in a referendum.
Two retired men from Camp Verde are named as officers of the committee: Chairman Mark J. Pentecost and Treasurer Charles Warnacutt,
Their application to hold a referendum said the county’s Comprehensive Plan “appears to install United Nations Agenda 21 protocols that confuse Yavapai County land use regulations and disregard the sovereign constitutional laws of the U.S. and Arizona and also appear to increase regulations on use of private land within the county.”
The United Nations’ Website states, “Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
Deputy County Attorney Jack Fields acknowledged there are hot-button topics associated with Agenda 21, which he called a sort of comprehensive plan for the planet.
“It does contain some sections that address controversial issues such as population, birth control, those kinds of things,” he said.
He said he had heard that some people believe Agenda 21 is “a conspiracy to rob us of our rights and become a part of the New World Order or a world government,” but that “it is not binding on the United States, it is not a treaty, it’s not been voted on by the (U.S.) Senate.”