Rose Law Group Gripe of the Week
The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union was the only labor organization to reject a new contract with Hostess Brands, which called for 8 percent in wage concessions and 17 percent in benefit reductions.
Sure, those concessions are hard to accept in an economy still struggling to recover, but if acceptance means 18,000 workers will still have a time clock to punch, the union members must swallow hard.
Meanwhile, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Drain said Sunday at a hearing in White Plains, New York, there are “serious questions as to the logic behind the decision to strike.” Hostess and the bakers’ union agreed to Drain’s request to enter confidential mediation under his supervision.
Even more challenging to logic is the remark from a baker’s union member, who told a TV reporter, “I’d rather be unemployed” that agree to the concessions. How’s that for arrogance and selfishness?
We have an industrial-strength gripe against that arrogant oven jockey. Do you think corporate America actually owes you a job?
Put your selfish comment where the sun don’t shine.