10. Rat stampede (Sound effect: buffalo stampede)
9. Meat delivery at the Hello Deli Sound effect: donkey hee-haw)
8. Scofflaws drinking illegal, 32-ounce sodas (Sound effect:: empty straw slurp)
7. Taxi from the airport (Sound effect: car screech, crash)
6. Lindsay Lohan at the end of a night out (Sound effect: police siren passing by)
5. Street vendor changing the hot dog water (Sorry, that’s a mistake, they never change the water)
4. Saying goodbye to a mob snitch (Sound effect: splash)
3. Me, Dave, leaving work every night (Sound effect: boos — “There he is, get him!”)
2. Joan Rivers visiting her plastic surgeon (Sound effect: jackhammer)
1. Alex Rodriguez in the playoffs (Sound effect: “Strike three!”)