By Wendy Miller | Independent Newsmedia
The Arizona Corporation Commission approved June 27 a request by Johnson Utilities to increase its rate for its water division in the amount of $125,071 and for its wastewater division in the amount of $747,274.
The company proposed a rate design that includes both an increase to the monthly minimum charge and an increase to the commodity charge for its water division, according to the staff report. It also has proposed an increase to its monthly minimum charge for its wastewater division as there is no commodity charge, except for the purchase of effluent, for wastewater service.
Residential customers who use a 3/4-inch meter and use an average of 6,931 gallons per month would see their monthly bill increase from $29.81 to $30.28, or 1.58 percent, according to an AC staff report.
Wastewater residential customers with the same usage would see their monthly bill increase from $39.35 to $42, or 6.73 percent, according to the same report.