By Caitlin McGlade|The Arizona Republic
Four bidders have submitted proposals to manage Arena, a task that historically has been handled by the venue’s anchor tenant, the Phoenix Coyotes.

The bidders include a couple of smaller, local events companies and two subsidiaries of other Valley sports teams, the Arizona Cardinals and Phoenix Suns. Glendale released the names to The Arizona Republic on Wednesday after repeated requests for the public records.
Glendale staff and consultants are combing through the proposals this week to select finalists.
The city sought the outside proposals to establish a fair market price for arena management.
However, if city officials struck an arena-management deal with a non-hockey firm, the city likely would lose the Coyotes, who have played at the $220 million arena since it opened in 2003.
Related: Bettman: Time is short to resolve Coyotes ownership