(E-mail release)
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
We would like to introduce you to the new Town Newspaper: Desert Foothills Chronicle. Cave Creek and Carefree have gone a long time without a local newspaper that will reflect all sides, all citizens, and all viewpoints. Our strongest element will be the Editorial pages, giving you, the Reader, an opportunity to dialogue on issues with your neighbors, without being punished by the editorial staff for a difference of opinion. While we are moving ahead to a newsprint paper, we loved the concept of the endless pages for Letters to the Editor that our website can offer you.
We are a nonprofit organization created by and prepared by your neighbors, as volunteers. To the extent that we have an operating profit, we will roll that excess back into the Community: back to our charities and nonprofits that do so much for so many. We soon expect to produce a weekly newsprint paper, to qualify ultimately as an ACC approved newspaper.
We see our initial goal is to help our merchants get back on their feet. By doing so, jobs for our citizens will be created. Diversity of shopping and recreation will be encouraged. The Arts will thrive!
To get the ball rolling on town revitalization, we are offering our merchants free banner ads on our website on the NEWS and OPINION pages for a limited time period. We also have a special page dedicated to listing all of our ADVERTISERS. You send the banner (or have us pull it from your website); we will include it (See the ABOUT US page for banner sizes).
Thank you and we look forward to a long partnership with the citizens and merchants of Cave Creek and Carefree!
Check out our first weekly edition by clicking here.
~ Sara Vannucci, Editor