By Brian Wright | Casa Grande Dispatch
Arizona Forward wants to be involved with Pinal County and its future growth.
Two representatives from the pro-business organization spoke to Pinal County supervisors Wednesday, asking Pinal County to join Arizona Forward.
The board didn’t vote on the request, but all five supervisors expressed support for joining. Chairman Steve Miller of Casa Grande said the topic will be on a future agenda for possible action.
Supervisor Pete Rios of Dudleyville asked why it took so long for Arizona Forward to want input and involvement from Pinal County.
When the organization was created in 1969, it was called Valley Forward and focused solely on the Phoenix metro area. As years passed, the organization decided to branch out to other parts of Arizona.
Arizona Forward President and CEO Diane Brossart said Pinal County is integral to overall growth in the state.
“Frankly … I think you’re the most significant player in the arena in that this is where the growth is going to occur,” she told the board.
“Our basic agenda includes issues like energy and land-use planning,” she said. “For a long time, we’ve been a safe haven for discussion on controversial growth issues.”
As for energy, Brossart said Arizona Forward advocates for renewable energy but also incorporates that with a balance of traditional energy sources.
Vice Chairman Anthony Smith of Maricopa said one of the reasons he favors joining Arizona Forward was the $500 fee. He said similar organizations have $5,000 or $10,000 membership fees.
“I was kind of floored that (the fee) was quite modest,” he said.