VIZZDA—Ryland Homes closed on the first of two phases within Las Sendas, a largely built out 2,432 acre master-plan in North Mesa, Northeast of Power & McDowell Roads. The subject community is to be called Desert Creek.
The sale price was $3.325M or $219,864 per acre for the roughly 15-acre parcel. City zoning documents indicate the subject sale portion is planned for 102 detached lots, with a minimum area of 2,399 ft2 and a minimum 30’ width. The second phase will comprise 43 lots, with the entire community to total 145 lots on 22.73 acres zoned RM-2 PAD for a project density of 6.38 density units per acre. Maximum height is 30’ for the two story units. Homes are expected to be 1,600 to 2,400 SF and average $275K.
The seller was an entity formed by Mr. J Chris Arnold of the UCI Companies, whose history within Las Sendas dates back to late 1990’s as part of a larger land holding. A related in conveyance in 2008 brought the 50.75 acre parent parcel (known as parcel 51) into the current ownership entity of Mr. Arnold who entered a development agreement with the City of Mesa with plans calling for: