By Terrance Thornton | Independent Newsmedia
There was a time when the McDowell Road Corridor was a major commercial artery pumping a constant flow of dollars and cents into the coffers of local proprietors as well as the municipality of Scottsdale.
The Scottsdale Gateway Alliance wants to bring the success of years past back to an overlooked area they say is primed for revitalization and a comeback.
The Scottsdale Gateway Alliance, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, seeks to advance investment and revitalization opportunities in southern Scottsdale and along the McDowell Road Corridor, it’s mission statement reads.
Both municipal and SGA leaders say a major goal of the redevelopment of the McDowell Road Corridor — roughly the area of McDowell Road west from Loop 101 to 68th Street — is to bring more people to the area.