Rose Law Group’s Top 10 Things David Letterman Can Do In Retirement


(Long-time popular comedian and night show host David Letterman announced Thursday he will retire this year from his CBS show.)

10. Surprise that nutcase woman stalker by being home when she tries to break in.

9. Sponsor a Formula One race in downtown Phoenix . . .Nah.

8. Watch reruns of all those “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” shows he missed.

7. Challenge Jay Leno to a mudwrestling match.

6. Buy the Indianapolis Colts

5. Look up Jane Pauley for old time’s sake, if you know what we mean.

4. Start up a lounge trio with Doc Severinsen and Paul Shaffer

3. Move to Hollywood and run for California governor.

2. Produce his own line of  “Letter Man” jackets for high school athletics.

1. Write an expose about what drugs were used to come up with his Top 10s.

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