The president of Save the Lakes and a new director of the Ahwatukee Board of Management have been sent violation notices from ABM for placing “Save the Lakes” signs in their yards, and an ABM official said that a Phoenix city councilman soon will be receiving one, as well.
Meanwhile, ABM on April 16 selected new officers for 2014 and replaced a board member who resigned.
Ben Holt, president of Save the Lakes, which opposes a proposed housing development on the site of the closed Ahwatukee Lakes Golf Club, and Jeffrey Hall, elected to the ABM board on April 2, were mailed violation notices, according to ABM officials.
Councilman Sal DiCiccio, who represents Ahwatukee, also will be receiving a violation notice for the Save the Lakes sign in his yard, officials said. DiCiccio has said that he will fight to prevent rezoning the golf-course site to residential if the neighboring homeowners remain opposed to it.