Barry Goldwater Jr. Asks AZ Corporation Commission Chairman Bob Stump To See The Light On Dark Money and Arizona Public Service


(PHOENIX)  Former U.S. Congressman and TUSK Chairman Barry Goldwater Jr. is asking Arizona Corporation Commission Chairman Bob Stump to call on Arizona Public Service to immediately disclose all of its campaign funding. Numerous media reports have pointed to APS as the source of ‘dark money’ being spent to benefit the campaigns of Corporation Commission Candidates Tom Forese and Doug Little. Stump however has focused his attention on TUSK (Tell Utility Solar won’t be Killed), which has consistently and proudly disclosed its primary funding sources to anyone who asks. APS has consistently dodged questions about its campaign activities.

The request follows the example of Arizona Corporation Commissioner Bob Burns who last year asked all parties, including APS, to disclose their spending during a heated debate over the utility’s desire to increase taxes on rooftop solar. After initially denying its involvement in anti-solar advertising it was revealed APS had spent millions. This year, voters have a right to know how much of their ratepayer money is being used to aid certain elected officials and aspirants, many times against ratepayer wishes.

In a letter sent to Chairman Stump, the Corporation Commission, and APS Chairman Donald Brandt, Goldwater challenges Chairman Stump’s assertions about TUSK and his reluctance to address APS’ political activities.

“I note that for the last several months you have lobbed often daily unfounded accusations at TUSK.  Believe me, I understand the political process and I understand that you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having endorsed the same candidates that just so happen to be on the receiving end of what amounts to well over $1 million in dark money support from APS.  Despite the fact that TUSK has always indicated who its sponsor companies are and that it is formed under provisions that require full disclosure, you have taken to various social media outlets to wrongly and repeatedly accuse TUSK of being a “dark money” organization.  A number of such comments have been included in the attached for your reference. “

Goldwater’s letter calls on APS to do the right thing and disclose its political activities just as the entities that support TUSK have done since its inception. The letter continues:

“Let me take this opportunity to again confirm that TUSK is funded by SolarCity and Sunrun, period. These are companies that have hundreds of employees in Arizona and leading the way in an industry that employs more people than APS.

We have been transparent since our inception that TUSK is supported by rooftop solar companies who share our outlook that rooftop solar energy provides homes and businesses with energy choice and competition, otherwise lacking with our state-backed utility monopolies. 

Unlike APS, we have answered all funding related questions that the media has asked. We have been consistent, forthcoming, and honest with regard to all campaign finance inquiries.  As an independent expenditure, TUSK is required to report contributions made during this primary election reporting period on August 22. We will do so.

 By way of this letter I am also calling on APS to immediately disclose all its campaign funding, and I ask you to join me in this request. Money that originated in ratepayers’ pockets should not end up funding political speech by APS or its parent company.  Ratepayers have no choice but to pay whatever APS charges for an essential service. It is unacceptable and, in my view unconstitutional, for APS to turn around and spend captive ratepayer money to further its own myopic political agenda.”

Last year, APS was caught lying about funding shadow organizations during the net metering debate. Commissioner Bob Burns called upon APS to disclose all spending. Goldwater’s letter says Stump should do the same.

“Given the importance of the political process we believe that such a request is not only warranted at this time, but past due.  Given the velocity and tone of your numerous Facebook and Twitter accusations against TUSK regarding financial disclosures, I would expect that you would feel just as strongly about the entity that the public has actually charged you with regulating as you do about TUSK and ask you to demand disclosure.”

For a copy of the complete letter and a summary of Chairman Stump’s social media posts please contact Michael Anthony Scerbo at

To learn more about T.U.S.K. visit

T.U.S.K. believes that rooftop solar is similar to a charter school—it provides a competitive alternative to the monopoly. Monopoly utilities aren’t known for reducing costs or for driving business innovation, but the solar industry is. Solar companies have a track record of aggressive cost reduction. The more people use rooftop solar, the less power they need to buy from the utilities. Energy independence means smaller profits for the utilities, so they are doing everything they can to stop the spread of independent solar.

Paid for by TUSK (Tell Utilities Solar won’t be Killed) Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s campaign committee.


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