Rose Law Group client Resolution Copper will boost economy, protect sacred sites, says Senator McCain

Screen Shot 2014-12-29 at 6.56.07 AMBy Sen. John McCain | The Arizona Republic

(Editor’s notes: Disclosure—Rose Law Group represents Resolution Copper. Opinion pieces are published for discussions purposes only.)

This month, Congress approved and the president signed into law legislation that paves the way for the expansion of the Resolution Copper Mine in Superior. I’m extremely proud to have worked as a team with my Arizona colleagues in the Senate and House, most notably Sen. Jeff Flake and Reps. Paul Gosar and Ann Kirkpatrick, to advance this legislation.

The Resolution Copper Mine is a tremendous opportunity for Arizona and the United States, economically and strategically. This project will tap the largest copper deposit ever discovered in North America. Over time, it will produce 25 percent of U.S copper demand.


Con: Copper mine will hurt tribes and the environment

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