10. Secretary of State Ken Bennett: “Sure, tell ‘em you’re related to the late president.”
9. Attorney General Tom Horne: “Don’t let the Supreme Court see you sweat.”
8. Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal: “Speak not, tweet not.”
7. State Treasurer Doug Ducey: “Invest heavily in ice cream franchises.”
6.Congressman Ron Barber: “Have fun in that mosh pit.”
5. State Rep. Ethan Orr: “Watch out for those haboobs and anti-pot legalizationers while driving from Tucson.”
4. Sharon Helman, Phoenix VA Director: “Beware of anyone bearing gifts.”
3.Corporation Commissioner Brenda Burns: “Turn out the lights each day when you leave.”
2. Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce: “You asked for it, you got it.”
1. Governor Jan Brewer: “Avoid finger wagging at all costs.”