Sometime this year, the millennials — those ages 18 to 34 in 2015 — will outnumber what has been America’s largest living generation, baby boomers, ages 51 to 69.
Generation X finds itself caught in the middle — for now, according to a Pew Research Center analysis.
Richard Fry writes that the ranks of the millennials continue to swell in part because of young immigrants, while boomers are projected to have fewer incoming compared to the number of deaths. The number of deaths is not expected to be significant enough for the Gen X population to outnumber boomers until around 2028. Fry notes that there are fewer Xers than millennials because the generation span was one year shorter. Gen Xers’ were born over 16 years, compared to their kids’ generation of 17 years.
So 2015 will mark a point where there will be 75.3 million American millennials and 74.9 million boomers. The boomers peaked in 1999, when there were 78.8 million.