By Phil Riske | Senior Reporter/Writer
As nutty and unpredictable as this year’s presidential campaigns have been, how can we not feel there are even more jaw-dropping events to come? Be it an October Surprise or an Act of God, a future currently unseen in American history could become clear in a few months.
Would you say the following climax to the election comes from an author who dropped way too much LSD as a college student or from someone who relies on astrology to predict the future or by someone with a justifiably unplugged imagination?
Flash forward
a couple weeks before the Democrat and Republican national conventions, Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have enough delegates to secure their nominations. Sens. Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Gov. John Kasich all pull out of the race, but refuse to say they will support Trump.
Cue the bombshell squad
Clinton’s private server/e-mail investigation results in federal charges related to breach of national security, and she is forced to give up her run for the presidency.
At about the same time, the IRS slaps Donald Trump with numerous charges of tax fraud and evasion, and he is arrested, From jail, he defiantly denounces the federal government, but quits the race.
In tumultuous national conventions, Democrats pick Vice President Joe Biden and Sanders as their ticket for November.
Republicans come up with Kasich and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.
Bush-Gore redux
On Nov. 9, the race is too close to call, and a recount in — you guessed it —Florida is underway. Both parties are successful several days later, however in getting the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on the election.
The court splits 4-4.
You write the next chapter and send it to me: