10. Until April 15, 2017, you may still carry forward what you paid for a Ford Edsel.
9. Travel expenses involved in the search for Bigfoot may be deducted from gross income.
8. Deductions are permitted for charitable donations to Sun City Free the Llamas Fund.
7. Republican candidates for local home owner associations do not have to publish their income tax returns.
6. Families with more than 200 adopted bats do not have to file returns.
5. People whose personal information was hacked from Doughnuts R Us. com may deduct 1 percent from gross income.
4. Medical deductions now include expenses associated with shingles caused by replacing roof shingles and headaches and nausea from listening to a political speech that lasted more than four hours.
3. Members of Procrastinators Anonymous may not apply for extensions.
2. Residents of Arizona who donated more than $100 to build a wall at the Mexico border may deduct half of the contribution from income.
1. Persons elected as presidents of their local PTAs may deduct twice the cost of having to provide a duplicate birth certificate to prove they are U.S. citizens.