(Editor’s note: Opinion pieces are published for discussions purposes only.)
From Utility Drive
The following viewpoint is from Anne Hoskins, current Chief Policy Officer for Sunrun and former Commissioner on the Maryland Public Service Commission. For our viewpoint guidelines, please go here.
As the dust settles from this year’s Presidential election, one thing is clear: nationwide demand for rooftop solar is vibrant. Rooftop solar has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support, with recent polling showing that 85% of voters support rooftop solar.
Consumers across the political spectrum go solar as a matter of choice, and if this election tells us anything, Americans want to feel they hold their destiny in their own hands. In fact, the only ballot initiative in the country that presented voters with a clear choice on solar was in Florida, and voters soundly rejected the anti-solar initiative. Commissioners gathering at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Annual Meeting in La Quinta, California this weekend should set the right policy terms so that progress, innovation, and clean energy job growth endure.