Why the government needs a Department of the Future


From Russian cyberattacks to self-driving cars, our government can’t keep up with technology.

By Amy Webb | POLITICO

During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to govern the United States like a CEO. In some ways, he is upholding that promise by choosing Cabinet members with executive experience. But if he intends to completely fulfill that commitment, he should introduce a best practice already known to Fortune 500 companies: employ futurists to help shape our long-term national interests. He can call it the Department of the Future.

We are standing on the precipice of life-altering technologies — self-driving cars, genetic editing and artificial intelligence — and the CEOs of the world’s most successful companies understand that long-term success depends on harnessing these new tools. Companies are establishing units within their organizations and staffing them with smart, interdisciplinary thinkers whose sole job is to forecast what’s over the horizon. They are an essential part of the core business, not outside advisers.


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