By Linda Bentley | Sonoran News
Town Clerk Carrie Dyrek administered the oath of office to each of the newly seated council members: Susan Clancy, Mary Elrod, Thomas McGuire, David Smith, Ron Sova and Eileen Wright, and Mayor Ernie Bunch at 5:30 p.m. on Monday so they could convene into executive session.
When the public meeting convened at 7 p.m., Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Kip Rustenburg spoke during Call to the Public to update citizens on the status of MCSO Sgt. Nick Shrey and his wife Elizabeth, who were hit by a van while crossing the street in front of Harold’s just after midnight on Thanksgiving morning.
She said Nick was out of the hospital and using a walker but, unfortunately, his wife, who was more severely injured, is still in the hospital.