Rep. Grijalva sues Trump Administration over border wall

Two men scale the border fence into Mexico near Douglas, Arizona, in 2009/Wikipedia

Congressman Raul Grijalva (AZ03) has teamed up with the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity to sue the Trump administration over the proposed border wall.

The suit seeks to ensure that environmental laws—and all the red tape and studies that come with them—are enforced as Trump moves forward with his wall.

Related: ACLU sues for Phoenix Sky Harbor documents on Trump’s travel ban

“American environmental laws are some of the oldest and strongest in the world, and they should apply to the borderlands just as they do everywhere else,” Grijalva said in a prepared statement. “These laws exist to protect the health and well-being of our people, our wildlife, and the places they live. Trump’s wall—and his fanatical approach to our southern border — will do little more than perpetuate human suffering while irrevocably damaging our public lands and the wildlife that depend on them.”


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