ADOT voicemail flooded as comments close
Adding his voice to the estimated one-thousand-plus comments submitted to the Arizona Dept. of Transportation’s Interstate 11 Study, L.D. 11 Representative Mark Finchem told ADOT,, “I believe it is irresponsible to build a new roadway through sensitive desert habitats, especially a roadway of questionable value. We have a corridor (the existing I-10) that, if expanded will both protect our virgin land, while increasing traffic capacity. Until (I-10) is completed we ought not disturb any more land than is necessary.”
In his a press release, Finchem said, “Interstate 10 is not yet completed. With long sections of two-lane expressway (in each direction) that should be expanded to three-lane road way in both directions from Eloy to Phoenix. This is the least expensive option to increase capacity and improve safety for all…We are having trouble paying for maintaining the roadways we have, how will we support even more roadways with repairs and rejuvenation? We should be maintaining and improving the roads we already have.”
Unlike Finchem’s comments to ADOT which will be recorded as part of the I-11 Study record, many people found that the bi-lingual phone line advertised by the study team as a means of communicating comments had been overwhelmed by calls, leaving their voicemail box full. There is no way to estimate how many comments were lost.
Information according to Arizona Daily Independent