Creating a well thought out home design that incorporates the smart home technology that your customers want is becoming increasingly difficult because of the fracturing of the market. More products and more options that don’t always speak to each other create a difficult equation.
Here the challenges are explored.
Key value propositions for consumers around the smart home are noted as more security, more safety, and easy management of home solutions for communication and controls in the home. Really, the promise of the connected home hinges on the security, safety, and simplicity of protecting this advanced technology from being exploited to harm households.
In 2017, the connected home market has experienced an expansion of the kinds of attacks that have been increasing in recent years.
Attacks include:
“With the holiday shopping season in full force, there are numerous advertisements and promotions associated with products that will make one’s home ‘smarter.’ Smart home devices, however, can be incredibly vulnerable to exploitation by cyber criminals.
“When purchasing products that will keep your home connected, it is imperative to research products to ensure they have the capability to keep the technology they use secure.
“In purchasing smart home devices, consumers should keep in mind that (1) cheaper is not always better, (2) criminals take advantage of default passwords when left in place by consumers, (3) the pace of technological development makes it important for consumers to keep their devices up to do date.”