By Wes Grunden | Sonoran News
A large turnout was on hand when the Carefree Planning and Zoning Commission met Monday evening March 12. First up was a project proposed for the west side of Cave Creek Road just south of Christ Anglican Church. The 3.6 acre plot is a ‘remnant parcel’ that is a ‘V’ shaped lot separated from the rest of the town to the east by Cave Creek Road and is bordered by the Town of Cave Creek to the west. The Commission had to decide whether or not to amend the General Plan and change the parcel from Low Density Residential to Moderate Density Residential. A second item referred to the same parcel, requesting it be rezoned from R1-35 Single Family Residential to R-3 Multi-Family Residential. Since both agenda items addressed the same location, discussion was allowed on both at the same time but the board had to vote on each agenda item separately. If the General Plan amendment failed, the rezoning vote was a moot point.