REAL FAKE NEWS: Arizona politicos #starttheirownrumors

By Evan Wyloge | Arizona Capitol Times

@KirkAdams KirkAdams Longtime Capital reporter Howie Fischer lost his voice and is now speechless…no, that one can’t be true…#startyourownrumor

April 19, 1:13 p.m.

On the afternoon before sine die, House Speaker Kirk Adams decided to fire back at the political railbirds who have been speculating about a potential congressional run for the Mesa Republican.

But instead of standing behind a podium and denying the rumors once again, Adams decided to have a little fun on Twitter. He started a Twitter hashtag for facetious buzz, aptly tagged #startyourownrumor.

“I simply wanted to make an editorial comment about the Capitol rumor mill,” Adams told the Yellow Sheet ReportApril 20. “I find it particularly humorous when I find out I’m going to be some place or flying somewhere, when it’s news to me.”

Adams kicked it off with a few fake rumors of his own, and soon enough, lawmakers, staffers, lobbyists, reporters and members of the public were playing along, lobbing 140-character quips, fibs and jabs at each other.

Throughout the day, the joke turned into self-deprecating comic relief — generally poking fun at politics in Arizona – that helped pass the long hours on the last day of the session.

On the afternoon before sine die, House Speaker Kirk Adams decided to fire back at the political railbirds who have been speculating about a potential congressional run for the Mesa Republican.

But instead of standing behind a podium and denying the rumors once again, Adams decided to have a little fun on Twitter. He started a Twitter hashtag for facetious buzz, aptly tagged #startyourownrumor.

“I simply wanted to make an editorial comment about the Capitol rumor mill,” Adams told the Yellow Sheet Report April 20. “I find it particularly humorous when I find out I’m going to be some place or flying somewhere, when it’s news to me.”

Adams kicked it off with a few fake rumors of his own, and soon enough, lawmakers, staffers, lobbyists, reporters and members of the public were playing along, lobbing 140-character quips, fibs and jabs at each other.

Throughout the day, the joke turned into self-deprecating comic relief — generally poking fun at politics in Arizona – that helped pass the long hours on the last day of the session.

Here’s an abbreviated sample of the #startyourownrumor tweet

@KirkAdams KirkAdams

In an ode to capital rumors I introduce #startyourownrumor Day. Feel free to play along….

April 19, 12:40 p.m.

@KirkAdams KirkAdams

Sine Die Today: Flying to NYC to meet with “The Donald”. Talking birther bill? No. Hairstyles.


April 19, 12:45 p.m.

@KirkAdams KirkAdams

Sine Die today: Hilary Clinton and I flying to Tripoli. Peace talks. Can I get one of those cool hats Gaddafi wears? #startyourownrumor

April 19, 12:49 p.m.

@KirkAdams KirkAdams

Rumor is I’m running for congress. Wrong. Running for gov of Baja Arizona. JaNae and I heading south after sine die. #startyourownrumor

April 19, 1:04 p.m.

@brahmresnik BrahmResnik

Is @KirkAdams‘ unchained #startyourownrumor riff the best evidence that today’s Sine Die might be his farewell to House?

April 19, 1:04 p.m.

@KirkAdams KirkAdams

Longtime Capital reporter Howie Fischer lost his voice and is now speechless…no, that one can’t be true… #startyourownrumor

April 19, 1:13 p.m.

@PaulDBoyer Paul Boyer

Congressman Pastor to rename I-10 “Ed Pastor highway” since that’s the only thing in CD4 not named after him #startyourownrumor


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