Sonoran News
The Carefree Town Council chambers were packed on June 26 for a presentation on water for the citizens of Carefree. Mayor Les Peterson began by giving a history of how the water systems came to be. Explaining that Cave Creek Water Company and Carefree Water Company were originally private entities. This is why the service area does not match the geographic boundaries. Currently, there are over 500 water service customers that reside in Carefree but get their water service from the town of Cave Creek.
According to the Mayor, there have been concerns about having an assured water supply both currently and long-term for all the residents of Carefree. He noted that Carefree has wells and a connection to another Municipal Water System in addition to get Central Arizona Project water. know Cave Creek gets their water from a sole source, CAP. And that should something happen to the pipeline delivering CAP water to Cave Creek there may be only a day’s worth of water stored.