By Jen Fifield | Arizona Republic
Despite recently deciding to keep Glen Lakes Golf Course running in Glendale for another year, the city may look at other options much sooner.
Last week, the city contracted with a company to design and illustrate possibilities for private residential development on the land. Glen Lakes, a nine-hole course at 55th and Northern avenues, is one of the two courses the city owns.
The city is paying Scottsdale-based landscape designer Greey Pickett up to $15,750 to study the possibility of selling the land for housing while also requiring the developer to maintain a certain amount of public green space, City Manager Kevin Phelps said.
The idea for green space comes after residents have rallied to save the course, mostly for the open space and tranquility it brings to the otherwise developed area.
Phelps said he plans to present the Glendale City Council with the results from that study in the fall, and three main options for how the council could move forward.