By Helen Smathers | PinalCentral
A Maricopa City Council member avoided censure by the city after a complaint that he’d violated the city’s ethics policy was withdrawn.
Councilman Vincent Manfredi was accused of violating the city’s ethics policy by fellow council member Julia Gusse. Gusse said she “thought it was improper” for Manfredi to refer to Maricopa Monitor and PinalCentral reporter Bethany Blundell as “unethical” and “a liar.”
In February, the Monitor published an editorial column, penned by Blundell, that said a change in the way the Maricopa Chamber of Commerce candidate forums were structured cut the Monitor out of the process. Blundell wrote about Manfredi’s ownership in InMaricopa, a local news website that also produces a monthly magazine, and laying the blame for the lack of partnership on InMaricopa’s lap. She also accused Manfredi of passing information he received as a councilman to reporters at InMaricopa.