News media feel the need to spoon-feed us

From the Rose Law Group Growlery

By Phil Riske | Senior Reporter/Writer

Pick up a newspaper or check a news website and you’ll find training wheels on how to read or understand a story. After all, we’re just like the people who, said a political operative, voted for Kyrsten Sinema: “Dumb asses!”

One example is the latest trend toward headlines such as: 5 things to look for as in 5 things to look for in the hiring of new Cardinals head coach Kliff Kingsbuty.

Why 5?

Will that be the number of wins his first year? No.

  1. Does he have nice teeth?

  2. Why isn’t he married?

  3. How serious is his relationship with sports commentator Holly Sandy?

  4. Any tattoos?

  5. Where will he buy a house?

Don’t be pushed as to what to watch for or what’s important in a news story. Come up with your own 5 things when you’re finished reading.

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