Rose Law Group Reporter staff
In a letter filed late yesterday, Arizona Corporation Commissions (ACC) Staff took a surprising position urging abandonment of ongoing efforts to interconnect Town of Queen Creek’s water system to the struggling Johnson Utilities’ system. Interconnecting Queen Creek’s water to Johnson’s pipes has been the plan ever since regulators implemented a moratorium limiting builders to one new utility meter per month late last year. Residents of the San Tan Valley area who have experienced water shortages in years past were also counting on this interconnection to guarantee their pipes will not run dry over the summer.
In light of Staff’s letter, Rose Law Group co-founder, Court Rich wonders if there is any reason to keep the moratorium in place, “If there is a problem with water availability for the citizens of San Tan Valley then regulators would be clamoring to get this interconnection in place, but they have now concluded they don’t need this interconnection so the moratorium should be lifted right away.”
Read the letter from the Staff here: