In this exclusive interview with Chamber Business News, Gov. Doug Ducey discusses his role as chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission and why Arizona’s relationship with Mexico is important to the state.
Question: Governor, what are your duties as the chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission?
Answer: My duties as the chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission are to make sure that we’ve got the right people in the room so that we can best advocate for this most valued relationship that Arizona has with our number one trading partner, Mexico. It’s a position and responsibility I embrace as governor.
Q: Why do you think the work the Arizona-Mexico Commission does is important for Arizona?
A: First, I don’t think it can be stated enough that the work the Arizona-Mexico Commission does builds relationships across the border with areas of influence across the sphere—public sector, private sector and education. I come at it, first and foremost, from a commerce perspective because Mexico is our largest trading partner. I think it’s important that we maintain that relationship, but also build on it—focusing on the things we can do together, like making sure that commerce can flow more freely across the border, what we’ve done with Unified Cargo Processing, tourism, joint law enforcement efforts and more. All of these issues are real issues for both myself and Governor Claudia Pavlovich and the Arizona-Mexico Commission has been a leadership organization for solutions.