The Dealmaker is a daily note of the day’s top real estate stories served just in time for lunch. Bon Appetit! Subscribe here to receive the Dealmaker to your inbox

What did you do yesterday? Sharon Harper, Plaza Companies president & CEO. In this latest look at busy schedules of some of Arizona’s top real estate leaders, Sharon Harper’s day shows why she is one of the most impactful and important real estate developers, business leaders and economic development drivers in Arizona. RLGR. http://bit.ly/2L79skn
Workforce development and infrastructure top priorities for Pinal County mayors. That was the key takeaway from a panel of area mayors — Casa Grande’s Craig McFarland, Coolidge’s Jon Thompson, Maricopa’s Christian Price, Florence’s Tara Walter, Superior’s Mila Besich and Eloy’s (vice mayor) Micah Powell — at this morning’s Pinal Partnership moderated by Rose Law Group Founder and President Jordan Rose. Callan Smith covered it and has just filed this EXCLUSIVE in RLGR. http://bit.ly/2Rv0Yon
Valley’s new home market sees demand surge. PBJ looks at the huge surge in demand for new homes in the Valley, with insight from real state consultant Jim Belfiore, market-rebound talk from Maracay Homes President Andy Warren and expressions of elation over the big turnaround from Rose Law Group Founder and President Jordan Rose. (Subscriber Content). http://bit.ly/2Y6am4a
Central Arizona College receives Gold Circle of Excellence Award. (Disclosure: Rose Law Group represents Central Arizona College.) Education at the Speed of Industry,a partnership program between CAC and Sundt that “created opportunities for students and alumni to enter the workforce,” has earned CAC the 2019 Gold Circle of Excellenceaward from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. QCI. http://bit.ly/2N3dJYM
BUILDING HEMPIRES – Omar Abdallah, Rose Law Group attorney handling hemp-related issues, clues us in on hemp biz offshoots. With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, the hemp industry is expected to grow like crazy, spawning a bonanza of spinoff opportunities. And Omar Abdallah is on top of it with the info. -> http://bit.ly/2ZMh3Jp
Ducey explains why Arizona’s relationship with Mexico is important to the state. “In this exclusive interview with Chamber Business News, Gov. Doug Ducey discusses his role as chair of the Arizona-Mexico Commission and why Arizona’s relationship with Mexico is important to the state.” AzBigMedia.http://bit.ly/2KxKDhR
Phoenix to consider future for historic American Legion property. Next week the Phoenix City Council will consider redevelopment of the Luke-Greenway American Legion Post 1 property at Seventh Avenue and Polk. Mike Sunnucks has a preview and the RFP rundown in RLGR. http://bit.ly/2L5pA5T
Scottsdale Palmeraie ascends to new heights as Paradise Valley resentment builds. Plans for the Palmeraie, a “retail component” of Ritz-Carlton PV and located in Scottsdale, include a “90-foot-tall structure” and “150-foot-tall spire.” The towering structures, which would look “down on all the backyards” in PV, have some officials feeling a bit low. PVI. http://bit.ly/2X0wxfF
Pinal County to sell $63M in bonds for new buildings. BoS “narrowly approved the funding Wednesday,” with Supervisor House voting yes, citing a favorable bond market, and Supervisor Rios voting no, predicting “citizens won’t react well to seeing a multistory ‘Taj Mahal’ being built for the county attorney.” Flo Reminder. http://bit.ly/31JPTV3
I-10, I-8 changed Pinal County in profound ways.Pinal Ways Magazine explores how the interstate highway system fundamentally transformed small communities along routes through Pinal County, from shifts in population growth (‘San Tan Valley didn’t exist 20 years ago’) to the rise of freeway car dealerships, “big-box businesses and shopping malls.” http://bit.ly/2xagoFi
Goodyear gets the OK to build 15-mile Sonoran Valley Parkway. Here’s what the city is waiting on. “The feds approved allowing the proposed 15-mile parkway to travel across federal lands. But city officials have no firm timeline for the road first proposed 11 years ago to connect Goodyear and the tiny community of Mobile.” AZCentral. http://bit.ly/2L97Lmr
Phoenix to vote on electric scooters in downtown. Electric scooters are commonplace in Scottsdale, Mesa, Tempe and other cities but Phoenix has existing restrictions on the transportation mode that date back to the 1990s. Details on the proposed pilot program in this Mike Sunnucks report for RLGR. http://bit.ly/2LbXdDj
Lena Fowler named Coconino County Board of Supervisors Chair. “For 10 years, Fowler has served as the supervisor of District 5, the northernmost region of the county.” Fowler replaces “District 1 Supervisor Art Babbott, who just completed his term.”Daily Sun. http://bit.ly/2IxXiiW

As a supplement to the Dealmaker, we thought you might enjoy these articles!
Click here for 2019 Arizona Legislative News
Regulators bar electric companies from cutting off power June 1 to Oct. 15. <- That’s what the ACC voted on Thursday. But some of the rules in the new plan didn’t sit well with Commissioner Justin Olson: “We may actually be creating an enticement to not pay one’s bill.” A CMS/Howard Fischer report in ACT. http://bit.ly/2Iwdilq
The tension thing: Lawmakers weigh in on disputes, divisiveness of session.Got a subscription to Arizona Capitol Times or plan to shell out dough for one? Then enjoy this article, in full, from reporter Katie Campbell! If not, then hopefully the following free snippet should give a pretty good idea of what the article is all about: “The state House of Representatives…” (RELATED items, also paywalled at ACT: “Talk of bipartisan budget turns to bitter words at session’s end.” • “Session Wrap” featuring Gov. Doug Ducey, Sens. Karen Fann and David Bradley. ) http://bit.ly/2FpQ8uT
Honesty is majority policy in lost wallet experiment. “[I]f you find a wallet stuffed with bank notes, do you pocket the cash or track down the owner to return it?” That’s what researchers wanted to know, so they “put the unsuspecting public to the test in a mass social experiment involving 17,000 ‘lost’ wallets in 40 countries.” The Guardian.http://bit.ly/2Xkhnl1