By Mike Sunnucks | Rose Law Group Reporter
If you are in commercial real estate or the news and public relations business, you might already know Peter Madrid.
The owner and CEO of Phoenix-based MadridMedia is very active with commercial real estate groups and does work for various real estate clients. The former USA Today and Arizona Republic editor turned entrepreneur documented a recent, busy and real estate heavy day for us.
Madrid documented a recent, busy and real estate heavy day for us.
5:30 a.m.: Make coffee, read the Arizona Republic (print version), and New York Times (online version).
6 a.m.: Check my weekly planner for my to-do list – it’s pretty packed.
6:45 a.m.: Morning walk to think about the day’s events and priorities.
7:30 a.m.: Read email. I “populate” social media platforms for a number of clients. I post articles that are relevant to each client. Some days there’s not much out there. Today there are some excellent stories on the Google Alert Daily Digest.
9 a.m.: Send out press release for client GLHN Architects & Engineers, which is announcing the hiring of two new engineers.
10 a.m.: Meet with the board of directors of Arizona Self-Storage Association to finalize a PR and media plan.
11:20 a.m.: Attend AZCREW June lunch at Phoenix Country Club.
1:15 p.m.: Meet with brokers at NAI Horizon involved in the sale of an office building in Phoenix. Review routing sheet and craft press release.
3:30 p.m.: Change into Professor Madrid mode and spend time on syllabus for upcoming fall semester class at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications.
5 p.m.: Meet friends for a belated birthday happy hour.
6:30 p.m.: Review weekly planner to see what’s on the schedule tomorrow.
7 p.m.: Close my laptop and call it a successful day.