By Lily Altavena | Arizona Republic
Arizona sales and property taxes could raise an additional $1.5 billion for education under a proposal by an education nonprofit.
Arizona sales and property taxes could raise an additional $1.5 billion for education under a proposal by an education nonprofit. (Photo: Nick Oza/The Republic)
Corrections & Clarifications: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated the impact of the estimated property taxes for homeowners for the education tax proposal. Helios said it was still calculating the impact of the proposed tax.
A nonprofit education organization is unveiling a proposal to increase Arizona sales and property taxes to fund an additional $1.5 billion for education.
The Helios Foundation, a nonprofit focused on education initiatives in Arizona and Florida, convened a group of community leaders to develop a long-term funding solution for education. Paul Luna, president and CEO of Helios, said the conversations began informally around the time the #RedForEd teacher movement picked up steam in 2018.
“One of the things that we didn’t feel we had in place on behalf of our state and on behalf of education was an education funding strategy, or a real vision for how we wanted to fund education over a long period of time,” Luna said.