The acknowledgment regarding climate changes comes four years after Ducey, just months after being sworn into office, had a decidedly different take
By Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services
Gov. Doug Ducey has come around to what a majority of Arizonans believe: human activity is affecting the climate.
“I imagine it’s a combination of things,” the Republican governor said Friday when asked about the issue by Capitol Media Services.
Ducey said it only makes sense that people, and what they do, are having an impact. “Humans are part of the earth, the environment and the ecosystem,” he said.
The acknowledgment regarding climate changes comes four years after Ducey, just months after being sworn into office, had a decidedly different take.
Back then, after being briefed by experts, Ducey said he was convinced that the climate is in fact changing. “It’s going to get warmer here,” he said.
“What I am skeptical about is what human activity has to do with it,” he said at the time.
And now?