By David Abbott | Globe Miami Times
The state of the housing market in the Globe-Miami area has been a topic of debate for years, if not decades, and solutions seem to be elusive if the region is to experience the growth community leaders hope and plan for.
The City of Globe has gathered the resources to contract with Central Arizona Governments (CAG) to create an updated—and updatable—housing study to use as a tool for future development.
“We need to update every 3-4 years for a quality baseline,” says City of Globe Economic Development Department (EDD) Director Linda Oddonetto. “If we do this one right, a future update won’t be as big a lift.”
The proposed study is an outgrowth of an effort by the EDD to create a community economic plan through a grant from the Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC). While the $45,000 study is not completely funded as yet, Oddonetto predicts it will be “well underway” by the end of 2019.