Dikeou family, Tryba Architects want to lift height requirements on three parking lots near downtown
By Joe Rubino |The Denver Post

/Photo by Joe Amon/The Denver Post
Under the terms of a proposal expected to land in the Denver planning office this month, a trio of asphalt parking lots on Sherman Street east of downtown could be replaced with the city’s next batch of skyscrapers.
The Dikeou family plans to ask the Denver City Council to rezone a collection of lots it owns north of the state Capitol Building, making them “downtown core” properties free of height restrictions. It’s a major shakeup that would alter the City Park view plane that today caps most buildings along north Sherman at 155 feet high.
In exchange for the right to change one of Denver’s most iconic views with new, tall buildings, the Dikeous would agree to a city mandate that any new skyscrapers built on their lots include affordable housing and would pay for more than a half-million-dollars in sidewalk repairs, new trees and other streetscaping work along Sherman.