Oro Valley Mayor Joe Winfield and Vice Mayor Melanie Barrett/Arizona Daily Star
By Justin Sayers | Arizona Daily Star
An effort to recall Oro Valley’s mayor and vice mayor is off after Oro Valley residents behind the initiative said they were satisfied with recent decisions by thPe Town Council, including the pick of an internal police chief candidate.
Resident Tom Plantz, who filed the application in October to begin circulating the recall petition of Mayor Joe Winfield and Vice Mayor Melanie Barrett, told the Arizona Daily Star on Tuesday that “it’s over with” and that the recall effort has “achieved its goals.”
“I think the mayor and council have moved positively in the right direction,” Plantz said. “I think the recall has achieved its purpose in promoting the betterment of Oro Valley.”
Winfield said in a prepared statement that he’ll “serve in the best interest of the community.”
“My commitment to the residents of Oro Valley is that I will strive to serve in the best interest of the community and I understand not everyone will be in agreement with every decision I make,” he said.