Speaker says House will support citation in support of President Trump instead

By Katie McKellar \ Deseret News
As the dust settles in wake of Sen. Mitt Romney’s vote to convict fellow Republican President Donald Trump for abuse of power, Utah House GOP met in closed caucus Tuesday to figure out what to do with bills to censure or possibly recall Romney.
Those bills won’t be going anywhere, according to House Speaker Brad Wilson, R-Kaysville.
After the caucus meeting, Wilson told reporters the majority decided after 90 minutes of debate to “not move forward with either a recall provision or (censuring).” Instead, Wilson said legislators will back a citation floated by Senate President Stuart Adams last week thanking Trump “for all the great things he’s done for the state of Utah.”
“Many people disagree with the conclusion Sen. Romney came to, and I think what we can kind of conclude from this conversation is we’re going to agree to disagree,” Wilson said. “We understand the thoughtful process Sen. Romney went through. Many people disagree with it, and we think it’s probably time to move on.”
Adams, R-Layton, said it’s true that’s all that’s left on the table.