By Tasha Anderson | AZBEX
Owner and applicant, Avenue North LLC recently submitted plans to the City of Phoenix for a new multifamily development to be located east of the NEC of 16th Street and Baseline Road.
The applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 7.44 acres on the south side of the Western Canal at 1640 E. Baseline Road from One Family Residence District, Baseline Area Overlay District, to Multifamily Residential, Baseline Area Overlay District.
The site is located within 1.66 miles of future light rail, 3,800 feet of South Mountain Community College and 1,700 feet of a major retail center. It is also surrounded by multifamily residential to the west and a single-family subdivision to the east, to the south and to the north.
The project, currently known as 18th Street and Baseline Road, is proposed as an 80-unit multifamily development comprised of a combination of one- and two-story units in four different floor plans. Dwelling units will range from 679 SF to 1,339 SF. According to the project plans, there will be 24 one-bedroom units, 41 two-bedroom units and 15 three-bedroom units.