By Howard Fischer | Capitol Media Services via PinalCentral
Gov. Doug Ducey said Thursday evening he is weighing additional measures to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
But during an hour-long televised forum, the governor sidestepped repeated questions about what else he has in mind.
Checkpoints to enforce his stay-at-home order?
“We have a list of things that are possible,” Ducey said.
Forcible quarantine of people arriving here from other states with outbreaks?
“We’re doing the testing so that we have the proper surveillance so we can make decisions and get people the care that they need inside the healthcare system,” the governor responded.
People who don’t listen to his stay-at-home order?
“In a declaration of emergency there are an incredible amount of tools and authorities that are granted a governor,” Ducey responded. “And I will use every tool in the toolbox and escalate as necessary to navigate Arizona through this.”
The governor also declined to predict how long the COVID-19 outbreak will last or how long restrictions might be necessary.
“Anybody who tells you that they know when this is is guessing,” he said. “And they don’t know.”
What Ducey says he does know is what are his plans for this month and next.
“Right now, I’m looking out 60 days,” he said, as that is likely to be when there will be a “surge” in both people contracting the virus as well as hospitalizations.