By Alexandra Petri | The Washington Post
One possibility that may not have crossed your mind, working from home, is that you are not wearing enough pants.
You may think that because you are not physically in a literal office, standards may be allowed to drop, just slightly, as a humane accommodation, and that no harm will be done. You are wrong!
Your home is now your office. Do not treat any region of your home, no matter how remote, as though it is not the domain of your employer. Your home toilet is now a work toilet; do not think of doing anything there you would not do in the office. If you would not bring your children to the office, then find somewhere else for them to stay. The same goes for pets. One thing for sure: They should not appear on your conference calls.
Would you shower at the office? Then what are you doing, showering at home? Your computer is now your work computer. Your children are now your colleagues. Your collie is now your colleague. We must not let standards drop! We must work harder!