It’s not absolute, but Arizona has offered some important guidance about the daily activities we engage in that shouldn’t be overlooked
(Editor’s note: Opinion pieces are published only as a point of discussion. Readers may respond through the Comments box at the end of our stories)
By Joanna Allhands | Arizona Republic
It’s a shame that Gov. Doug Ducey breezed through this chart during a July 9 news conference.Because it contains information that every Arizonan needs to know – if the long-term goal of the state’s COVID-19 response is to protect lives and livelihoods.
The Arizona Department of Health Services created the chart to rank examples of everyday activities according to their risk of transmitting the novel coronavirus.
It’s the kind of guidance people have needed for a long time – and a message we can’t repeat too often, given that we can’t lock down the state forever, and the coronavirus isn’t about to go away.
If this current outbreak is any indication, we’re all going to have to find better, more responsible ways to engage with each other