Ranking Arizona | AZBigMedia
Here are the Top 10 real estate agents in Arizona, based on public voting for the 2020 edition of Ranking Arizona, the state’s biggest and most comprehensive business opinion poll. Ranking Arizona is based purely on opinion and ranks companies based on how voters answer this simple question: with whom would you recommend doing business? To make your vote count in the 2021 edition of Ranking Arizona, click here to vote.
Voting for the 2021 issue of Ranking Arizona ends July 31, 2020.
Want to buy a copy of the 2020 edition of Ranking Arizona? Click here. Want information on advertising in the 2021 edition of Ranking Arizona? Click here.
Here are the Top 10 real estate agents in Arizona, as featured in the 2020 edition of Ranking Arizona:
Real estate agents
1. Cody Bauer
Background: Buying, selling, or renting a home is one of the most important decisions you will make. A home is where you raise your family, where you spend the holidays, and where you celebrate life’s moments. You won’t make these decisions lightly, and neither will Cody Bauer Let Cody Bauer help you navigate through the process and build a successful strategy in Arizona’s real estate market. As your agent, Cody Bauer will have your best interests at heart and the lines of communication will always be open.