By Scott Shumaker | Red Rock News
Last November, the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a zone change from rural residential to commercial for a 4.74-acre Village of Oak Creek parcel of undeveloped land at the corner of Jacks Canyon Road and State Route 179.
The parcel owners, Chandrika and Jack Patel, propose to build a 154-room Hilton Garden Inn at the site.
The plan has its detractors among residents of VOC. The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors said it received over 1,500 letters of opposition to the project before the unanimous Nov. 20 zone change vote. Those in favor of the change argued that the parcel was situated in what has obviously become a commercial corridor and approving the zone change allowed the county to leverage height limits and other concessions from the project proponents.