Recreational marijuana expected to bring in $300M says Adam Trenk, Rose Law Group Partner, Cannabis Dept. Director

By Arrianee Lebeau | AZ Family

Now that voters here in Arizona have approved legalizing recreational marijuana, now anyone over the age of 21 would be able to have about 1 ounce of it. Now, Proposition 207 is predicted to bring about $300 million a year. Voters struck down a similar initiative back in 2016.

“The law has it earmarked to go specifically towards community colleges, public services, such as law enforcement and fire and roads and infrastructure. It’s symptomatic of a changing mood across the nation, particularly in our state,” says Rose Law Group Cannabis Department Director Adam Trenk.

Meanwhile, a group that supported no on 207, Arizonans for Health and Public Safety, they say in a statement, which reads, “207 was always about big money for big marijuana companies. The successful passage of Prop 207 sends a dangerous message to others who would exploit Arizona.”

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