Paradise Valley Town Councilmember Julie Pace came under attack during a recent public meeting when her colleagues accused her of various actions linked to some emails. Ms. Pace maintains her emailed correspondence was all in an effort to help residents. | (INDEPENDENT NEWSMEDIA/ARIANNA GRAINEY)
By Melissa Rosequist | Your Valley
Emotions were high as internal political strife bubbled to the surface in a public Paradise Valley meeting meant to discuss building pad heights.
A Jan. 21 joint meeting between the Town Council and Planning Commission, with members of town staff and residents involved, featured a proverbial 12-round boxing match when Paradise Valley Councilwoman Julie Pace was the target of statements read by Council members Scott Moore, Paul Dembow and Anna Thomasson — in the middle of a discussion about how a home’s foundation is constructed.
Much of the theme from those upset revolved around “process” and the proper way to go about municipal business.