Opinion: A bipartisan amendment saved 3 years of work on clean energy standards, which should boost certainty and lower costs for Arizona utilities.
By Anna Tovaropinion contributor/Arizona Republic
Arizona electric utilities will be required to reduce their carbon emissions 50% by 2032 and reach zero emissions by 2070.
The Corporation Commission took a historic step last week to advance Arizona into a clean energy future. We passed a new set of energy rules setting clean energy standards that are in the best interest of our state, our citizens, the economy and the environment.
Our success is a direct result of a bipartisan amendment Commissioner Jim O’Connor and I offered that requires our electric utilities to reduce their carbon emissions 50% by 2032 and reach zero emissions by 2070.
This was the culmination of more than three-and-a-half years of work and a willingness to compromise. As a result, Arizona is now positioned for a healthy and bright economic future.
‘Goals’ don’t provide enough certainty